
Open Source Discussion with the Founders of Drupal and WordPress

Schipul - The Web Marketing Company ( was honored to host founder of Drupal (, Dries Buytaert ( and …

The New E-Commerce Liza Kindred Lullabot

Liza Kindred (, a start up mentor who helped the Drupal shop Lullabot(, grow from two people to 30, spoke at …

Turning your Time into Profit: Get out of Busy and …

Executive Leadership Coach Amy Robinson ( discusses what every successful leader needs to know about Time Management in the 21st Century.

Are you …

Create a PR Spectacle, Grow your Business with Aimee Woodall …

Aimee Woodall of The Black Sheep Agency ( and Brian Potter, Schipul's Video Content Specialist ( and member of the Houston …

Human Space Exploration - Steven Gonzalez

SchipulCon 2011 day two was kicked off with a look at the future of human space exploration with keynote speaker Steven Gonzales of NASA and …

How to grow a profitable association (and be a bad …

As membership organizations work hard to find creative solutions to bottom line problems, this SchipulCon panel discussion gives some cool insights into how two successful …

User Experience and the Power of Great Design Austin Govella

Austin Govella ( spoke about making sure the user interface you design is appropriate for the audience and the way it is used. …

The Accidental Activist - Karen Walrond Chookooloonks

Karen Walrond ( is a blogger who believes in spreading positive images to get a point across. She uses social media for social …

Open Source, Why It Matters and the Drupal World - …

Schipul - The Web Marketing Company ( was honored to have the founder of Drupal (, Dries Buytaert ( …

Making stuff is cool, An inspiring discussion of creating great …

Sam Mar, Director of Business Development at UH GBC ( is working towards trying to commercialize green technology. 
UH GBC's aim is to …

Causing A Commotion: The Art of Major Event Marketing & …

Learn the ins and outs of public relations with a behind the scenes look at the life of a PR rockstar. Gina Rotolo( …

Rule the browser Creating Google Chrome Extensions Carter Cole

Carter Cole (​), Application Developer/SEO Analyst at BrandExtract, is know for his creation of the popular Chrome extension SEO Site Tools, which now …

Learn How to Optimize your Website Content

Caitlin Kaluza (, SEM Manager at Schipul - the Web Marketing Company (, shares some of SEO optimization tips for optimizing …

Profitable Growth in a 4 Year Recession with Ed Schipul

Is it possible for your business to create profitable growth in the 4th year of an American economic recession?

CEO and founder of Schipul - …

SchipulCon 2011 QuadraCopter Promo of awesome!

Are you ready for SchipulCon awesomeness?!?

Be sure to grab your tickets while you still can for our October 6th and 7th SchipulCon 2011 event! …